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The children have made a great start on Mr. McGregor's garden. They have cleared some of the planting beds of weeds and debris, then planted some fruit tree that were kindly dontated by Morrisons. The children have also planted sunflower seeds to observe and record what plants need and how they grow. 




Seasonal Change

During our Welly Wednesday sessions, the children are identifying signs of the change in season. We have used all of our senses to describe the changes between summer and autumn and the children really enjoy being outside to experience the changes first hand. We have transformed into weather watchers, measuring the rainfall with rain gauges made by the children and tracking the weather daily.  


This term, the children are having lots of fun investivating the proporties of different materials. We have linked our science learning to this terms topic – The Great Fire of London. The children have explored the different building materials used in Tudor times and have built house from wood and straw.


Animals, Including Humans.

 Do the tallest children have the biggest feet?

The children conducted a science experiment to investigate their question. The children used their planning, investigating and recording skills to discover, yes the tallest person in our class does have the biggest feet. 

Head over to our class Welly Wednesday page to see what else we have learned about our bodies. 

Animal Habitats.

The children researched what a fish needs in their habitat to be safe and healthy. The children then used recycled plastic and materials they found at Welly Wednesday to design their own fish habitat. 

Food Chains.

The children researched the food chain of a hummingbird. Then, they designed a food chain diorama including the hummingbirds natural habitat.