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A printed copy of ALL of our policies are available from the school office free of charge.


Click here to view  Whole School  Behaviour Policy

Click here to view Whole School Behaviour Covid - 19 Addendum

Click here to view Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles

Click here to view Aim of the School

Click here to view Charging and Remissions Policy

Click here to view Pupil Premium Policy

Click here to  view Equality Action Plan

Click here to View School Playtime Policy

Click here to view Uniform Policy

Click here to view Attendance Policy

Click here to view Lunchtime Supervision Policy

Click here to view Wrap around care procedures

Click here to view Breakfast Club Policy

Click here to view Physical Activity Policy

Click here to view Teaching and Learning Policy

Click here to view  Equality Policy

Click here to view Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Click here to view Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and Health Education Policy

Click here to view Supporting Pupils with Medical conditions Policy

Click here to view DFE Relationship & Sex Education FAQ

Click here to view Anti-Bullying Policy

Click here to view Food Policy

Click here to view      Over arching Safeguarding statement

Click here to view  Complaints Procedure

Click here to view  Unreasonable Complaints Procedure

Click here to view  Accessibility Plan

Click here to view  Privacy Notice

Click here to view  Freedom of Information

Click here to view Code of conduct for staff and other adults policy

Click here to view Admissions Arrangements Document - If you wish to know more information about admission arrangements for 2024/25 please follow the link to the Cumbria School Admissions Website